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CheckItOffYo App Development Diary

2023-02-10 14:20
Went to the public swimming pool with my 9 year old son. I forgot to bring my own goggles and couldn't fully enjoy underwater rock-paper-scissors and coin searching games, much to my son's dismay

2023-02-19 14:40
Went to the public swimming pool with my son. After swimming, I put one leg into my pants in the locker room, only to realize it was a neck warmer. I went home without underwear. Despite being 53, I felt pathetic and was on the verge of tears, but I pulled myself together and searched for a checklist app but couldn't find a satisfactory one. There are many great apps, but I couldn't find an app that meets the criteria of "free, ad-free, and able to hold multiple checklists". I decided to develop it myself

2023-02-24 20:17
Started the "Check It Off, Yo!" project

2023-02-24 21:10
Using CoreData, I created the Task Entity and the necessary attributes, and used SwiftUI to display the text in a list. Of course, I also made it so that it automatically saves. It took about an hour to get to this point, and I thought it would be completed in two to three days, but I later realized how naive this thought was...

2023-02-24 21:30
Added checkbox

2023-02-24 21:34
Added cancel button

2023-02-25 09:09
Added Edit button, displayed reorder icon

2023-02-25 18:34
Hide reorder icon, displayed delete icon

2023-02-25 18:42
Added itemFormatter

2023-02-25 18:46
Right aligned time display

2023-02-25 18:53
Split date and time into two columns

2023-02-26 08:05
Implemented cancel button in Edit screen

2023-02-26 08:21
Implemented swipe to cancel in Edit screen

2023-02-26 12:35
Tap to enter Edit screen

2023-03-26 18:00
No development for the next 5 days as I'll be on a trip to Okinawa from tomorrow

2023-02-02 21:28
Enabled direct editing by tap

2023-03-03 10:47
Implemented sort function and made it work properly

2023-03-03 19:37
Dynamically adjusted TextField, keyboard disappears on tap out

2023-03-03 19:48
Moved the checkbox to the center of the screen

2023-03-03 21:54
Added deletion from swipe, button to finish editing

2023-03-03 21:59
Reduced line spacing

2023-03-03 22:58
Resolved sorting issue

2023-03-04 21:54
Resolved the issue of disordered sorting during reordering and deletion

2023-03-06 10:11
Created a simple category by adding a minus character at the beginning of a sentence

2023-03-06 10:35
Hide orderNum

2023-03-06 11:36
Created a new project and copied the contents of CoreDataTest of the single tab app. From now on, we will develop with this project

2023-03-07 13:09
Eliminated warnings appearing at compile time

2023-03-07 13:11
Added ignoresSafeArea

2023-03-08 21:23
Changed colors, etc.

2023-03-09 09:45
Added a tab at the top

2023-03-09 11:04
Fixed the display that was wrong

2023-03-09 11:36
Made the add button appear at the bottom right

2023-03-09 13:39
Made the button to finish editing red

2023-03-09 14:18
UI change

2023-03-09 16:05
Deleted the item's contextMenu and enlarged the tab

2023-03-09 17:59
Adjusted the size of the edit button

2023-03-09 18:59
Iconized the edit button

2023-03-09 21:48
Changed the color of the button

2023-03-10 10:31
Added TabCategory Entity

2023-03-10 11:06
Added categoryBelong Attribute to Task Entity

2023-03-10 13:22
Made it possible to create category names in TabCategory

2023-03-10 17:39
With the help of ChatGPT, the category tab now works properly

2023-03-10 18:18
With the help of ChatGPT, made it possible to add new categories

2023-03-11 16:19
Fixed the startup crasher with a temporary hack

2023-03-11 22:21
Fixed the crasher with the correct fix

2023-03-12 08:37
Underlined the tabs

2023-03-12 13:31
Drew boundary lines between tabs

2023-03-13 09:49
Drew boundary lines between items

2023-03-13 11:04
Duplicate check when changing category name

2023-03-13 12:37
With the help of ChatGPT, made it possible to set the correct category when creating an item

2023-03-13 12:55
Lists can be deleted, but data within the list is not yet deleted

2023-03-13 21:08
Made it impossible to delete when there's only one list, but no errors yet

2023-03-13 21:33
Made it impossible to delete when there's only one list and errors also occur

2023-03-14 18:38
Made it possible to delete all records in the list when deleting a list

2023-03-14 21:28
With the help of ChatGPT, fixed a bug where records were being created in unintended locations

2023-03-15 09:48
Again, with the help of ChatGPT, fixed a bug where records were being created in unintended locations

2023-03-15 19:00
Fixed a bug where new records were always being created in FirstTab

2023-03-15 21:43
Fixed a bug where an add record button and a record were created in FirstTab when the app was restarted

2023-03-16 09:52
Made it possible to rearrange category tabs

2023-03-16 09:57
Removed the category name that was displayed for debugging

2023-03-16 10:00
Changed the list name created at startup to "To Do List"

2023-03-16 10:05
Added a title to the rearrangement view

2023-03-16 10:17
Made minor cosmetic changes

2023-03-17 05:38
Moved most of MainView into TabContentView for a trial

2023-03-17 05:38
Hid the delete and rearrange buttons

2023-03-17 06:21
Returned MainView to its original state and made MyEditButton non-functional

2023-03-17 06:51
Centered the add button

2023-03-17 07:10
Added a settings button to the bottom right for now

2023-03-17 07:27
Changed the initial data

2023-03-17 10:03
Changed and added initial data

2023-03-17 10:08
Changed the initial data and the sentence for NoTasks

2023-03-17 10:52
Adjusted the text size setting

2023-03-17 10:52
Made it possible to change the text size in the settings

2023-03-17 12:48
Added two text sizes and made the text size in the tab also changeable

2023-03-17 14:39
Made the text size reflect immediately when returning from the settings screen

2023-03-17 19:44
Adjusted the positions of the settings icon and add icon, and added a help icon

2023-03-17 20:00
Entered the content of the help screen

2023-03-17 21:39
Made some minor cosmetic changes

2023-03-18 10:47
Fixed a bug where the settings screen was displayed when switching to landscape mode

2023-03-18 10:51
Changed the check mark off to a half-space

2023-03-18 10:53
Added one more level of minimum and maximum text sizes

2023-03-18 11:33
Enlarged the add button, centered it, and re-added MyEditButton

2023-03-18 11:41
Fixed the slightly shifted MyEditButton

2023-03-18 14:37
Made it possible to change the background color by right-swiping for now

2023-03-18 15:22
Changed one character in a sentence

2023-03-18 16:42
Changed the background color for each item, changed the sentence, changed the add button size to 40

2023-03-18 16:47
Made a slight change to the sentence

2023-03-18 21:31
Made it possible to send blank emails for now

2023-03-18 22:14
Made it possible to send the checklist by email

2023-03-19 08:06
Implemented support for dark mode

2023-03-19 13:16
Removed the final 3 dots for email sending

2023-03-19 13:42
When sending by email, if the first character is a half-width space, made it so that the checkbox isn't written

2023-03-19 17:58
Implemented sending in Messenger app

2023-03-19 21:00
Eliminated one warning at compile time and changed one color

2023-03-20 05:18
Added "Delete contents of the list"

2023-03-20 05:21
Changed "Delete contents of the list" to "Delete all ToDo items"

2023-03-20 08:25
Changed to "Send in Messenger"

2023-03-20 09:00
Added "Save and send as file"

2023-03-20 09:06
Changed the file name when sending files

2023-03-20 09:21
Implemented "Share"

2023-03-20 09:39
Removed all share-related context menus except for "Share" and added mailFooter

2023-03-20 10:41
Made it so a confirmation dialog appears when deleting

2023-03-20 14:30
Included the app name in the footer text when sharing

2023-03-20 14:41
Implemented the function to check all ToDo's and uncheck all ToDo's

2023-03-20 16:01
Implemented duplication of the list

2023-03-20 16:01
Checked for duplicate list names when duplicating the list

2023-03-20 21:33
Display an error dialog if a duplicate list exists when duplicating

2023-03-20 22:16
Changed the color of the bands at the top and bottom of the screen to a different color than the ToDo item display area

2023-03-20 22:21
When a duplicate error occurs during duplication, also display the duplicate list name

2023-03-21 13:29
Changed the maximum text size to 34 to accommodate presbyopia

2023-03-21 14:11
Implemented color picker

2023-03-21 19:56
Made it so that gray is used as the default when RGB values do not exist in UserDefaults

2023-03-21 21:21
Modified it so that gray is used as the default when RGB values do not exist in UserDefaults

2023-03-22 12:23
Fixed a bug where a white part was displayed at the top when editing ToDo

2023-03-22 14:23
Tried to make it so that editing mode is exited by tapping outside the field when editing

2023-03-22 18:01
Removed the function to exit editing mode by tapping

2023-03-24 09:23
Successfully made the keyboard not cover the field without a Form

2023-03-24 21:49
Organized the settings screen

2023-03-24 22:03
Organized the theme settings screen

2023-03-24 22:08
Fixed a bug where font settings were not saved

2023-03-25 15:49
Made it so the default theme color is saved at initial startup

2023-03-25 16:35
Made it possible to choose bk theme color and applied it to the top

2023-03-25 16:48
Changed the color of "Finish Editing" to make it more visible

2023-03-25 17:00
Made the bk theme color also applied to the bottom

2023-03-25 17:15
Changed the button to end delete and reorder editing from a check mark to Done

2023-03-25 17:20
Also changed the add button to the theme color

2023-03-25 17:24
Increased the opacity value of the add button to make it more visible

2023-03-25 18:00
Made the Opacity selection bar in ColorPicker invisible

2023-03-26 05:45
Made settings screen and theme settings screen compatible with horizontal screens

2023-03-26 05:53
Changed the button size on the settings and theme settings screens

2023-03-26 06:09
Organized inside the help screen

2023-03-26 06:09
Made sure that the view doesn't scroll down beyond the checks in delete/sort mode

2023-03-26 06:27
Raised the position of the add button slightly

2023-03-26 07:34
Removed ignoreSafeArea from the main ZStack, as fields were hidden when the keyboard came up

2023-03-26 07:36
Made the bar at the bottom of the screen thinner as it was too thick

2023-03-26 11:45
Started researching whether the theme could be changed for each list. For now, I made it open the theme change view from the context menu

2023-03-26 14:01
Eliminated two warnings during compilation

2023-03-26 16:36
Made theme-related variable names more understandable

2023-03-26 16:58
Made theme-related variable names even more understandable

2023-03-26 17:23
Made it so that the active text color of the theme color is loaded

2023-03-26 17:31
Changed the default value of the theme's background color

2023-03-26 18:06
Made it possible to select the Active text color of the theme

2023-03-26 18:42
Made the plus sign also use the Active text color of the theme

2023-03-26 19:37
Changed the icons for all-check and all-uncheck

2023-03-26 19:40
Changed the wording to "Change theme"

2023-03-26 22:03
Switched to TextEditor to fix the bug that caused the editing to end when the return key was pressed on a physical keyboard

2023-03-26 22:42
Adjusted padding because the text of ToDo does not display in the center, which I think is due to the influence of TextEditor

2023-03-26 22:48
Removed the minimum font size of 10

2023-03-26 22:53
Removed the left and right margins of the ToDo items

2023-03-27 05:45
Tried switching back to TextField because it looks nicer. However, with this, a line break when using a physical keyboard becomes either Alt-Return or Option-Return

2023-03-27 06:46
Switched back to TextEditor because the behavior of the physical keyboard was strange

2023-03-27 06:53
Added ignoreSafeArea so that color is applied to the bottom even on an iPad

2023-03-27 10:44
Tried changing the alignment of HStack from top to center

2023-04-02 14:08
Deleted the "End Editing" button and added a "Done" button on top of the keyboard

2023-04-02 22:49
Made it so that tapping the tab counts as two taps and redraws the contents

2023-04-03 05:45
Stopped displaying "Done" on top of the keyboard as it often caused display issues

2023-04-03 05:53
Made changes to the infoPlist to remove SceneConfig warnings

2023-04-04 09:52
Commented out the unnecessary VerticalAlignment extension

2023-04-04 11:48
Tried removing the Form as it sometimes displays in a single line. Also implemented the ability to swipe from right to left to delete

2023-04-04 12:45
Implemented the Delete button

2023-04-04 16:33
Made it so that the Delete button can be canceled by a right swipe when displayed, and only the relevant record can bring up the Delete button with a right swipe

2023-04-04 22:01
Started over from removing the Form. For now, left the Form and added Delete and Reorder buttons

2023-04-04 22:31
Added a Divider between Rows

2023-04-04 22:59
Made the TrashBin in the MainView turn into a red checkmark during Delete mode

2023-04-04 22:59
Made it so that tapping the TrashBin in the MainView enters Delete mode

2023-04-04 23:06
Turned the TrashBin displayed next to the Row red

2023-04-04 23:15
Made the TrashBin displayed next to the Row match the fontSize. Also, made the checkmark in MainView's Delete mode bold

2023-04-04 23:51
Implemented entering Reorder mode

2023-04-05 06:32
CompilerError. Need to break down

2023-04-05 07:15
Cleared the CompilerError

2023-04-05 07:15
Added a Done button above the keyboard again. However, it seems to occasionally crash

2023-04-05 08:46
Fixed the bug where pressing the Done button above the keyboard causes a crash

2023-04-05 09:07
Made the Done button always appear on the right side

2023-04-05 09:26
Removed the Done button as it causes an internal crash when pressed

2023-04-05 10:21
Adjusted the position of the TrashBin and rearrangement icons when they are displayed

2023-04-05 10:33
Added boundary lines to the top and bottom. Also changed the background to white

2023-04-05 10:48
Found a systemGroupedBackground color that can be used for the background and applied it

2023-04-05 11:30
About to take a two-day, one-night trip to Nagoya to meet with friends coming from the US. I think I can resume development when I get back tomorrow evening

2023-04-06 16:44
Now when a new record is created, UUID information is created, but rearranging is still not working properly

2023-04-06 17:56
I haven't been able to fully test it yet, but it seems that the rearranging function is working

2023-04-06 18:08
The ToDo text is now also dragged along, but the rearranging function might be broken

2023-04-06 22:13
Still struggling with rearranging the ToDos. But now I'm focusing on making the drag location more understandable

2023-04-07 07:15
For now, when dragging during rearranging, a red line appears in the gaps in the HStack

2023-04-07 07:23
When dragging during rearranging, a gap now appears in the VStack

2023-04-07 07:36
Confirmed that it is also saved after rearranging. However, rearranging works correctly in the checklist usage list, but it cannot be done when creating a new list, creating multiple new records, and trying to rearrange there

2023-04-07 08:45
Fixed the crasher that occurred when moving the top row down during rearranging

2023-04-07 08:57
Finally, the rearrangement is working properly

2023-04-07 16:58
It seems that I was able to make the ImportingOneItem dialog not appear. But the rearranging function has stopped working

2023-04-08 07:03
I put in a quickfix to prevent the ImportingOneItem dialog from appearing, but when I tested it with 01 second, the dialog appeared once, so I changed it to 03 seconds. Testing required

2023-04-08 14:19
Fixed a bug where I couldn't rearrange because I was using the same value every time I created a new record instead of creating a unique uuid

2023-04-08 20:07
Deleted comments etc. to shorten

2023-04-08 20:14
Deleted comments etc. to shorten even more

2023-04-09 22:10
Can move a row below the bottom row, but during the drag, no space is created below the bottom row, and instead, a space is created between the row one step above

2023-04-09 07:00
Tried various things with ChatGPT but still can't move a row below the bottom row

2023-04-10 08:23
Enlarged the rearrange icon to make it easier to grip

2023-04-10 08:45
Made it so that dropping a row in the same place doesn't shift the display to the right

2023-04-10 09:35
Created space between rows. Also made the delete button larger

2023-04-10 09:44
Made it so that the done button appears above the keyboard again

2023-04-10 13:30
Made the line spacing larger as it no longer becomes unresponsive to taps during sort mode

2023-04-10 17:01
Fixed a bug where users couldn't grab a row due to the adjustment of line spacing during sort mode

2023-04-10 17:07
Made sure the text doesn't stick to the right edge during sort mode

2023-04-10 17:19
Set the importing dialog to appear every 05 seconds as it still sometimes shows

2023-04-10 20:10
Fixed the crash that occurs when grabbing and dragging the bottom row further down

2023-04-11 08:18
Adjusted the UI

2023-04-11 11:32
Made new records assign orderNum based on the number of records within the category. Found an existing bug but leaving it as is for now

2023-04-11 13:46
Modified the code for debugging as the orderNum is incorrect

2023-04-11 16:45
Decided to add new records to the bottom when entering sort mode

2023-04-11 18:05
Made it so that new records added to the bottom when entering sort mode are not displayed

2023-04-11 18:44
Fixed a bug where the checkmark was no longer displayed

2023-04-11 19:44
Implemented the mechanism for when the app goes to the background

2023-04-11 21:34
For now, made it so that whether or not it is in sort mode is saved in UserDefaults

2023-04-12 09:53
Successfully switched between sort mode and browse mode when the app goes to the background

2023-04-12 13:39
Fixed a bug where the icon doesn't update when switching between sort mode and browse mode as the app goes to the background

2023-04-12 17:12
Fixed a bug by adding new records to all categories when entering sort mode, and removing them when exiting

2023-04-12 17:32
Fixed a bug where the last record does not disappear when transitioning from sort mode to delete mode

2023-04-12 21:33
Made it so the add new record button changes to the Done button during sort mode and delete mode

2023-04-12 22:00
Fixed a bug where the TextEditor height was too low when creating a new record...probably

2023-04-13 05:52
Fixed a bug where pressing the Done button while in delete mode caused strange behavior

2023-04-13 06:11
Implemented the behavior during sort mode and delete mode

2023-04-13 21:51
Fixed a bug where I forgot to create a uuid when duplicating a list and it crashed. Also, made it so tapping the Tab goes back to browse mode

2023-04-13 22:40
Fixed a bug where the last record would get deleted when entering sort mode with no records in the list and sending the app to background. The solution was to prevent entering sort mode and delete mode when there are no records in the list

2023-04-14 09:41
The ImportingOne dialog is still occasionally displayed, so I've increased the delay to 0.8 seconds

2023-04-14 12:19
Enabled selecting the Top image within the Tab and made the selected image appear. However, there's a bug where the same image is always displayed

2023-04-14 14:49
Enabled the selection of Top images

2023-04-14 21:34
Based on the "Enabled the selection of Top images", made it possible to change the Top screen display by long-pressing on the non-selected Tab

2023-04-14 21:41
Added a bit of padding to the Top image display on all sides

2023-04-14 21:43
Changed the border of the Top image display to rounded

2023-04-15 06:24
Added a Top image selection sheet

2023-04-15 06:24
Deleted the image display within the Top image selection sheet

2023-04-15 07:13
The list sorting sheet was deleted, so I added it back

2023-04-15 08:43
Implemented the function to delete images

2023-04-15 08:46
Adjusted the spacing between buttons on the image selection screen to make tapping easier

2023-04-15 15:33
Made it possible to duplicate images when duplicating a list

2023-04-15 16:09
Made images display on the image selection screen

2023-04-15 22:05
Prevented unnecessary spaces from appearing above and below when displaying images

2023-04-16 07:48
Based on the "Made images display on the image selection screen", made it possible for the images to be scrolled

2023-04-16 08:37
Fixed a bug where extra space appeared above and below the image when it was shrunk

2023-04-16 08:39
Made images display in a reduced size in the image setting screen as well. But for now, the reduction ratio is hardcoded

2023-04-16 09:19
Excluded images from being sorted. In addition, added an if statement to fix a bug where if the topmost row was dropped to the top during sorting, the fromIndex would become 0 and the toIndex would become result.count, causing a swap

2023-04-16 18:06
Changed the button to close the keyboard from [Done] to an icon

2023-04-16 18:14
Fixed a bug where the image displayed did not disappear even when the [Delete Image] button was pressed on the image setting screen

2023-04-16 18:22
Added Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description to InfoPlist

2023-04-16 18:28
Made it so that a grayscale effect is applied to the image on this setting screen when the [Black and White] button is pressed on the image setting screen

2023-04-17 08:10
Fixed a bug where the app would crash when trying to duplicate a list when there are duplicate list names

2023-04-17 08:23
Fixed a bug where the orderNum was too large when creating a new list

2023-04-17 12:17
Fixed a bug where the orderNum was not being updated when deleting a list. Also made it so that an image will still display even when there are no records

2023-04-17 12:38
Made it so that the size can be changed in the image settings screen

2023-04-17 14:22
The changed size in the image settings screen is now saved in TabCategoryEntity

2023-04-17 14:24
Added back the grayscale setting that had somehow disappeared from the image settings screen

2023-04-17 14:24
Made it possible to set the sepia color in the image settings screen

2023-04-17 14:24
Made it so that the black and white and sepia color settings in the image settings screen are saved and loaded in TabCategoryEntity

2023-04-17 16:52
Made it so that the image size and black and white and sepia color settings are also used in the actual display

2023-04-17 22:13
The sepia color was too strong, so the setting was changed from 0.6 to 0.5

2023-04-18 00:31
Added the option to choose circle in clipShape

2023-04-18 00:39
Fixed a bug where the image-related items were not being duplicated when choosing to duplicate a list

2023-04-18 06:17
Made it so that the image size can be made two levels larger

2023-04-18 06:19
Changed the image icon

2023-04-19 06:40
Implemented a context menu to be displayed when a row is long-pressed

2023-04-19 06:57
Changed the background color of all rows to yellow as a test. However, it only works on iOS16

2023-04-19 09:27
Made it possible to apply None and Pink

2023-04-19 11:52
Added 10 more background colors

2023-04-19 14:15
Improved the appearance by specifying the background color when there are no records

2023-04-19 14:46
Made it so that the background color of the record is correctly set when creating a new one

2023-04-19 15:55
Fixed a bug where something that should be a Double type was an Int type

2023-04-19 17:12
Set the color for Inactive_chars

2023-04-19 17:20
Allowed users to set the color for Inactive_chars

2023-04-19 17:25
Made it so that the Inactive_chars color is also used for the trash can icon at the bottom of the screen

2023-04-19 18:02
Made it so that samples can be viewed in the theme settings screen

2023-04-19 18:10
Arranged the theme settings screen for better visibility

2023-04-19 18:19
Arranged the image settings screen for better visibility

2023-04-19 18:25
Made the color Purple a bit brighter

2023-04-19 19:55
Inserted the keyword "light" into the UserDefaults key for the theme color

2023-04-19 20:17
Inserted the keyword "light" into the UserDefaults key

2023-04-19 20:26
After my son tested, it was revealed that the display becomes strange in dark mode. To implement dark mode, I inserted the keyword "light" into the variables

2023-04-19 20:49
Inserted the keyword "light" into the variables of the theme color selection view in order to implement dark mode

2023-04-19 21:52
Made progress in implementing dark mode. The only remaining part is the theme color setting screen

2023-04-19 22:21
Finished implementing dark mode

2023-04-20 07:36
Made the Done button Bold because it was difficult to see depending on the selected color

2023-04-20 07:42
Removed the Divider to make it cleaner

2023-04-20 08:15
Added space to the left and right of the plus circle

2023-04-20 09:12
When I chose a theme color, went back to the SettingView, and went back to the ThemeColorSettingView, it was not reflected. Fixed this bug for dark mode for now

2023-04-20 09:21
Fixed the bug where the selected theme color is not reflected when returning to the ThemeColorSettingView from the SettingView

2023-04-20 11:16
At my son's suggestion, not only preset colors, but also custom colors created by the user can be selected for the row background color

2023-04-20 11:27
Improved the appearance of the View when choosing a custom color for the row background

2023-04-20 12:36
Fixed bugs related to row background color

2023-04-20 14:40
Removed the Theme Setting item from the ContextMenu

2023-04-20 16:21
Rearranged the row's custom background color selection screen

2023-04-20 17:04
Rearranged the Top image View

2023-04-20 17:20
When displaying the Top image View, the current enlargement rate of the image is selected. The logic has no problem, but it doesn't work well. Requires investigation

2023-04-20 17:45
In the Top image View, the imageSize was truncated to the first decimal place before saving. This allowed the current enlargement rate of the image to be selected when the Top image View was displayed

2023-04-20 21:30
When the Top image View is displayed, the [Back] button is displayed at the very bottom so that it does not scroll

2023-04-20 21:44
When the Top image View is displayed, if there is no image, nothing is displayed except the [Back] button

2023-04-20 22:19
Took care of rounding errors that occur in Float conversion in the Top image View below the 10th decimal place

2023-04-21 08:42
In the Top image setting View, the background color of the [Back] button was set to the theme color

2023-04-21 09:07
Changed the background color of the [Back] button in Settings View to the theme color

2023-04-21 09:16
Changed the background color of the [Back] button in CustomColorView to the theme color

2023-04-21 09:31
Changed the background color of the [Back] button in HelpView to the theme color

2023-04-21 10:02
Made it so that the background color of the [Back] button changes to the theme color when you press the [OK] button in the Theme settings screen and return to the Settings screen

2023-04-21 18:13
Changed the grayscale setting to a toggle button on the Top Image Settings screen

2023-04-21 18:21
Changed the other effects to toggle buttons on the Top Image Settings screen

2023-04-21 19:14
Reconsidered the UI of the Top Image Settings screen and made it easier to use

2023-04-21 22:09
Saved default values to allow the theme color to be reset to default

2023-04-22 05:50
Added a button to allow the theme color to be reset to default

2023-04-22 10:32
Fixed a bug that was messing up the layout in the Top Screen Settings View on iPad

2023-04-22 11:34
Enabled the creation of new records at the top. The rest is just to allow choice in the settings screen

2023-04-22 14:02
Made it so that the behavior during new record creation can be chosen in the settings screen

2023-04-22 14:05
Fixed a bug where the orderNum is one higher than the expected number when a new record is created at the very bottom

2023-04-22 16:21
Fixed a bug where the orderNum gets messed up when a record is deleted

2023-04-22 18:24
Fixed a bug where the orderNum gets messed up and a new record is added in the second last position if you leave the app while in record deletion mode and then return and add a new record

2023-04-22 18:27
Made it so that new records are added at the very end by default

2023-04-22 18:30
Removed the orderNum that was displayed for debugging

2023-04-22 18:35
Turned off the auto-capitalization of English letters in the settings screen

2023-04-22 21:43
Fixed a bug where the custom color selection from the row background color context menu was not visible on iPad

2023-04-23 19:49
Reduced the row spacing during delete mode and reorder mode, and improved the appearance by making the reorder and delete icons smaller

2023-04-24 10:16
Cleaned up the code to make it easier to read

2023-04-24 11:22
Investigating whether it is possible to move between tabs with a swipe. For now, it's possible to move to a different view with a swipe

2023-04-24 12:09
It's now possible to move between tabs with a swipe, but the behavior is strange when selecting CustomColor

2023-04-24 13:30
Made it so that you can see part of the transition destination screen during swipe transition

2023-04-24 17:02
Fixed a bug where the selectedTab was not updated after swiping

2023-04-24 17:22
Removed the hitch that occurred during swiping

2023-04-24 17:58
Fixed a bug where the selected tab and the content displayed did not match when deleting a list

2023-04-24 18:17
Fixed a bug where multiple "Close Keyboard" icons were displayed

2023-04-24 18:20
Fixed a bug where the content displayed was different when creating a new category

2023-04-24 19:35
Fixed a crash that occurred when my son found and deleted the last tab

2023-04-24 21:32
Made it so that the tab name display at the top of the screen also moves to the center of the screen when swiping

2023-04-25 09:25
Fixed a crash that occurred when deleting the far left tab while it wasn't in focus

2023-04-25 11:20
Made it follow the finger when swiping from right to left

2023-04-25 11:27
Made it follow the finger when swiping from left to right

2023-04-25 11:32
Fixed the bug where multiple "Close Keyboard" icons were displayed again

2023-04-25 12:14
Changed the minimumDistance during drag from 30 to 10 to eliminate hitching

2023-04-25 12:48
Reduced the condition of the swiping motion from 100 to 50 to make swiping easier

2023-04-25 13:01
Fixed a bug where it would crash if you swiped quickly

2023-04-25 20:52
Fixed a bug where the CustomColor View would be displayed when changing to landscape view

2023-04-25 21:23
Fixed a bug where the left half of the screen displayed the current tab's content and the right half displayed the content of the tab to the right when switching to landscape view

2023-04-26 12:59
Returned the custom color settings screen to a sheet. This hides the parent view now

2023-04-26 13:53
Made the "Close Keyboard" icon always appear in the center

2023-04-26 14:39
The "Importing One, One item remaining" dialog still appears sometimes, so I reverted the delay in onPerform from 0.8 to 0.1

2023-04-26 15:40
To reduce the potential for problems, I made it forcefully exit from delete mode and sort mode when a swipe occurs

2023-04-26 15:46
When exiting sort mode, to avoid accidentally deleting user data, I made it delete only after confirming that content is negative

2023-04-26 15:58
Instead of at the start of the swipe, it now forcefully exits delete mode and sort mode and goes to normal mode when the swipe ends

2023-04-26 16:18
Fixed a bug where blank spaces were created on the edges when changing to landscape view

2023-04-26 16:21
Removed the divider that was displayed on the right edge when changing to landscape view

2023-04-26 16:26
Added padding to the right end of the row display for better visibility

2023-04-26 17:49
Fixed a bug where a white area would appear on the left and right during a horizontal swipe transition

2023-04-26 21:05
In the deletion mode, added a button next to 'Done' labelled 'View Contents of TrashCan', which opens a sheet when tapped

2023-04-27 06:55
Fixed a bug where the screen display would slightly shift and remain that way when swiping diagonally downwards

2023-04-27 07:49
Pulled out the previous fix because it caused the screen to shake, loosened the swipe transition conditions in handleSwipeGesture to minimize the screen shift

2023-04-27 07:49
The screen still shifted occasionally during swiping, so I tightened the swipe transition conditions again

2023-04-27 09:43
The 'Importing one item' dialog still appears, but possibly less frequently than before

2023-04-27 10:04
Added a fix to prevent the 'Importing one item' dialog from appearing. Requires testing

2023-04-27 12:00
There is an error, unable to compile this version

2023-04-27 13:44
Again added a fix to prevent the 'Importing one item' dialog from appearing. Requires testing

2023-04-27 17:09
There is an error, unable to compile this version

2023-04-28 10:25
It works now, but if you drop far above the top row, it swaps with the last row

2023-04-28 12:39
Fixed a bug where if you drop far above the top row, it swaps with the last row. However, currently, there are no animations

2023-04-28 14:06
Removed the orderNum display used for debugging

2023-04-28 17:26
Removed the orderNum display used for debugging

2023-04-28 17:33
Reduced the paddings between rows during delete mode and rearrange mode from 10 to 5

2023-04-28 19:37
Increased the paddings between rows during delete mode and rearrange mode from 5 to 7. Set the size of the checkmark to 22 fixed

2023-04-28 19:43
Set the size of the checkmark to 26 fixed

2023-04-28 19:49
Set the minimumDistance value of DragGesture to 5 to prevent the screen from shifting

2023-04-29 14:21
Added TrashCan CoreData

2023-04-29 16:56
When deleting ToDo items, they are now copied to the TrashCan

2023-04-29 17:01
Enabled the viewing of the contents of the TrashCan

2023-04-29 17:12
Made it so that tapping a row when the contents of TrashCan are displayed opens the category list

2023-04-29 17:26
Enabled moving the contents of TrashCan back into the category

2023-04-29 17:43
When moving the contents of the TrashCan back into the category, ensured that all data, including color information, is moved

2023-04-29 17:47
When moving the contents of the TrashCan back into the category, ensured that orderNum is also correctly updated

2023-04-29 18:43
When returning the contents of the TrashCan to an empty category, changed it so that orderNum changes from 1 to 0

2023-04-29 18:44
Fixed a bug where you can't see the contents of the trashcan when an empty category is selected

2023-04-29 19:03
Made it so that even if you select "Delete all ToDo items", they go into the trash can

2023-04-29 20:06
Made it so that even if you select "Delete this list", it goes into the trash can

2023-04-29 21:29
When putting something in the trash can, ensured the date it was put in, including the time, is added

2023-04-29 21:48
When viewing the contents of the trash can, made it possible to delete items one by one

2023-04-29 21:57
Added an "Empty the Trash Can" button to the trash can view

2023-04-29 22:01
Removed the [Back] button displayed when going to the category selection view from the trash can view

2023-04-29 22:16
Made it so that items in the trash can are automatically deleted after 30 days

2023-04-29 22:23
Stopped displaying orderNum which was being shown for debugging purposes

2023-04-30 03:30
Applied theme colors to the trash can view and category selection view

2023-04-30 03:38
Applied font size to the trash can view and category selection view

2023-04-30 03:53
Made it so that the "Empty the Trash Can" button does not appear if the trash can is empty

2023-04-30 04:00
Changed the wording that items in the trash can will be deleted after 30 days

2023-04-30 10:38
Made checked items semi-transparent

2023-04-30 10:42
Made it display a check mark when viewing the contents of the trash can

2023-04-30 11:36
Fixed a bug where the text display in the trash can did not gray out even if the check mark was on

2023-04-30 12:05
Made it read from UserDefaults whether to grayout when the check is on. Also made it read grayvalue

2023-04-30 13:43
Made it possible to set the opacity when the check is on in the settings screen

2023-04-30 13:52
Changed the wording a bit for the setting when the check is on in the settings screen

2023-05-01 08:24
Set DragGesture's minimumDistance to 2 in MainView to make the screen less likely to shift

2023-05-01 08:48
Enabled font selection in the settings screen (not yet implemented)

2023-05-01 09:04
Ensured the selected font in the settings screen is correctly saved in UserDefaults (not yet implemented)

2023-05-01 09:21
Applied the font selected in the settings to the tab text

2023-05-01 10:06
Fixed a bug where text is cut off at the top or bottom depending on the chosen font

2023-05-01 10:09
Changed the size of the plus.circle button for creating new tabs to make it easier to tap

2023-05-01 12:23
Fixed the issue of text getting cut off at the bottom with Japanese fonts and at the top with English fonts. Now, the baseline is raised only for Japanese fonts

2023-05-01 12:33
Added the "Before Changing Font" View

2023-05-01 12:43
Rearranged the "Help" and "Before Changing Font" Views to make long text easier to read

2023-05-01 18:22
Allowed users to adjust height in the font settings screen

2023-05-01 21:21
Used the selected font for TaskRow text display as well

2023-05-01 21:32
Changed the name of the System font to System (Default)

2023-05-01 21:36
Altered the wording on the font selection screen

2023-05-01 23:22
Changed the font offset range from -20 to +20

2023-05-02 05:41
Set "Include Font Style" as the default option

2023-05-02 05:52
Made the baseline offset value green when positive and red when negative

2023-05-02 05:59
Applied user-specified font also when displaying the trash bin

2023-05-02 06:04
Changed the wording to "Select Restoration Destination" when restoring from the trash bin

2023-05-02 10:11
Ensured that even if a font is deleted from iOS, it falls back to the System font

2023-05-02 13:24
Previously, the SelectedTab was Bold, but it changed the font too much so it was changed to just underline

2023-05-02 13:43
Fixed a bug where there was no line break between the subject and body when sharing

2023-05-03 08:28
Fixed a bug where three files were created when saving as a file while sharing

2023-05-03 16:09
Added an icon that my son made for me for 300 yen(about US $3.00)

2023-05-04 15:34
Couldn't compile due to a compiler error stating it couldn't do a type recheck

2023-05-04 16:25
Organized the code and eliminated the type recheck compiler error

2023-05-04 16:31
Implemented authentication

2023-05-04 16:58
Fixed a bug where if you changed the authentication from ON to OFF in the settings screen, face recognition was requested, and even if you cancelled there, face recognition was requested

2023-05-04 17:07
Changed the time until the app requires authentication from 3 minutes after entering the background to 2 minutes

2023-05-04 17:41
Changed the wording for authentication

2023-05-04 17:56
Changed the font size setting to a slider

2023-05-05 08:26
Set the time until the app gets locked to 60 seconds after entering the background

2023-05-05 09:58
Implemented a feature to cover the app's screenshots so that contents can't be seen while the app is locked

2023-05-05 10:57
Restored a process that was commented out when the app entered the background during sorting mode

2023-05-05 11:09
Made the view displayed during app lock compatible with dark mode

2023-05-05 11:42
Fixed a bug that allowed the contents of the trash can to be viewed during app lock because it was displayed as a sheet

2023-05-05 11:47
Fixed an issue where the display was incorrect when showing the contents of the trash can on an iPad

2023-05-05 12:01
For consistency, moved the back button to the bottom on the help view as well

2023-05-05 12:16
Made the 'Back' button on the help screen fixed

2023-05-05 12:25
Fixed the position of the 'Back' button on the help screen

2023-05-05 17:29
Added an option to 'Display Japanese fonts at the top' when displaying the font list

2023-05-05 21:37
Fixed a bug where the title remained prominently displayed at the top of the screen when opening the 'Rearrange List Names' screen

2023-05-05 22:10
Fixed a bug where unnecessary space was created above the 'Back' button on the 'Rearrange List Names' screen

2023-05-06 15:55
Made the time until the app gets locked selectable by the user when authentication is turned on, after searching and trying various timings

2023-05-06 17:32
Inserted the full text for the font description (Japanese only)

2023-05-06 17:38
Made it so that the descriptions of Japanese fonts and Western fonts are not displayed when the locale is not Japanese

2023-05-06 17:47
Changed the wording of the font description slightly

2023-05-06 17:55
Changed the layout of the font description view to make it more readable

2023-05-06 18:26
Tweaked the wording of the font description slightly

2023-05-06 21:34
Rearranged the font description text

2023-05-06 22:03
Rearranged the font description text to make it easier to read

2023-05-06 22:13
Made it so that the currently selected font name is displayed in the settings screen

2023-05-06 22:16
Removed unnecessary elements within onAppear outside the settings screen

2023-05-07 03:46
Added "Delete All Checked ToDo Items"

2023-05-07 06:33
After running a stress test, swipe actions became heavy when the number of ToDo items exceeded 50 and there were many ToDo items in the adjacent lists. Added an option to turn off "Swipe Animation"

2023-05-07 06:46
Moved the option to turn off "Swipe Animation" to a more noticeable position

2023-05-07 11:22
Made it so that the word "ToDo" is not used when in Japanese

2023-05-07 11:43
Deleted test data in preparation for release

2023-05-07 12:39
My son decided on an app name for Japanse so made it referable from the code in both English and Japanese

2023-05-07 14:04
Added a LocalizableStrings file and confirmed that Strings can be read from here

2023-05-07 19:35
Updated the LocalizableStrings file. Finished up to "Duplicate List" in MainView

2023-05-08 06:02
Improved performance by loading adjacent lists only during swipe, detecting when swiping

2023-05-08 08:59
To prevent swiping from becoming heavy, limited the display of the screens to the left and right during swiping to 21 rows

2023-05-08 11:55
Updated the LocalizableStrings file. Finished MainView

2023-05-08 13:20
Updated the LocalizableStrings file. Finished SettingsView

2023-05-08 16:14
For performance improvement, rows that are not visible to the user are no longer displayed. Needs testing

2023-05-08 16:52
Inserted code in WelcomeView to create 50 items for testing

2023-05-08 17:19
Unified multiple context names in WelcomeView to contextForCoreData

2023-05-08 17:34
Fixed a problem when creating initial data in WelcomeView

2023-05-08 18:30
Set the app screenshot when the app is in the background to the app name

2023-05-08 18:38
Made it so that the icon is also displayed in the screenshot when the app is in the background

2023-05-08 22:04
Included English test data to convey measures for when multiple lines become displayed as one line

2023-05-09 09:18
Fixed a bug where the dialog title was set to error even in case of a warning

2023-05-09 09:44
Made the light mode and dark mode theme settings localization ready

2023-05-09 10:18
Changed the UTType inside TaskRowSwift to com_cheezsj_CheckItOffYo_customDragType to reduce potential conflicts with other apps

2023-05-09 10:51
Made TaskRow localization ready

2023-05-09 11:02
Made the image settings screen localization ready

2023-05-09 11:06
Made CustomColorPickerView localization ready

2023-05-09 11:14
Made ContentOfTrashCanView localization ready

2023-05-09 11:18
Made TabCategoryListViewForTrashCan localization ready

2023-05-09 11:31
Made FontPickerView localization ready

2023-05-09 11:42
Decided to make the local of FontReadMeView and HelpView directly into the file and prepared for it

2023-05-09 11:48
Everything has become localization ready

2023-05-09 21:41
Fixed a bug that occurs when you keep tapping on TrashCan, tap the reorder button, then release and lift your finger from TrashCan

2023-05-09 22:17
Created an imageDataWithEffects attribute to save images with effects

2023-05-10 11:29
Used UIView to disable multi-tap but it only works partially. Seems like there's no way around it with SwiftUI

2023-05-10 11:48
Removed delay during gesture dispatch to prevent screen flickering after swipe

2023-05-10 15:12
Made it so that you cannot tap into the TextEditor of the right or left page during swiping

2023-05-10 15:17
Commented out the animation in the handleSwipeGesture of MainView, as it was just slowing down the operation

2023-05-10 15:21
Without the animation in MainView's handleSwipeGesture, it switches abruptly, so I turned on the animation but set it to the first half of the value

2023-05-10 15:30
Swiping to the next page was too sensitive, so I made it a little looser

2023-05-10 15:37
Made it so that you cannot edit while in delete mode or reorder mode

2023-05-10 15:42
The wording inside the code was the opposite, so I changed the variable name of tappableTextEditor to textEditorIsNotTappable

2023-05-10 19:41
Fixed a bug that causes a crash if an action to delete the last tab is taken when the last tab is not selected

2023-05-11 00:05
Further reduced the possibility of a bug that causes a crash if an action to delete the last tab is taken when the last tab is not selected

2023-05-11 00:09
Moved the hardcoded delete button in the image settings screen to localizable_strings

2023-05-11 10:32
For the time being, made it so that the icons at the bottom do not appear when tapped in

2023-05-11 11:32
Made it so that the icons at the bottom do not appear when tapped in

2023-05-11 14:07
Localized everything except for HelpView and BeforeChangingFontView

2023-05-11 15:29
Commented out the print statements for debugging in TaskRow

2023-05-11 18:37
There was a bug that I couldn't fix, so I removed the help button from the bottom of the screen and changed it to a button to view the contents of the trash can

2023-05-11 18:41
Updated the localize files to the latest ones

2023-05-11 18:47
Fixed where the textCase was wrong in settings and other screens

2023-05-12 11:23
My son made an open trash can icon for 300 yen(about US $3.00), so I added it

2023-05-12 13:31
Realized that custom icons can't apply theme colors, so unfortunately I deleted the open trash can icon and replaced it with a trash circle

2023-05-12 13:43
Made it use the background color even when viewing the trash can

2023-05-12 17:18
Made it possible to go to the help screen from the settings screen

2023-05-12 18:23
Commented out the test data

2023-05-12 18:26
Prepared to write help by making the contents of HelpView the same as FontReadMeView

2023-05-12 20:00
Inserted screenshots into the Japanese FontReadMeView

2023-05-12 20:06
Temporarily inserted Japanese screenshots into the English FontReadMeView

2023-05-12 21:54
Translated FontReadMeView into English

2023-05-12 22:15
Localized the data created at initial launch into English

2023-05-12 22:17
Inserted a space before "app" at the end of the sentence when sharing

2023-05-12 23:26
Made "How to Use CheckItOffYo" and "Others" in the settings screen localizable and localized into English

2023-05-12 23:29
Made the "Back" button in the Help screen localizable and localized into English

2023-05-12 23:35
Corrected the capitalization of "Trash Bin is Empty"

2023-05-13 10:51
Localized FontReadMeView into English

2023-05-13 10:55
Added screenshots to the beginning of the Japanese FontReadMeView

2023-05-13 14:54
Localized HelpView in Japanese and added screenshots

2023-05-13 15:11
Added AboutView and localized it

2023-05-13 15:39
Fixed an error in the data created at initial launch

2023-05-13 15:47
Localized HelpView in English

2023-05-13 17:27
Localized the screenshots in HelpView into English

2023-05-13 17:35
Made modifications to the FontTopCutOff_J image

2023-05-13 17:50
Fixed where I should have written "tap" in the data created at initial launch, but it was written as "click"

2023-05-13 18:30
Commented out the test data for release

2023-05-13 20:07
Added a development diary

2023-05-13 21:27
Because it takes time to load the development diary, I made it display a text saying it is loading

2023-05-13 22:37
Found a bug where the keyboard doesn't appear due to the use of LazyVStack in TabContentView (changes made at 16:14 on May 8). Couldn't fix it, so reverted to VStack, but this makes the operation heavy

2023-05-13 23:08
Fixed the display of voiced consonant and semi-voiced consonant characters in the development diary that were strange by performing Unicode normalization

2023-05-13 23:12
Changed the wording in the development diary

2023-05-13 23:32
Localized the text related to the development diary

2023-05-13 23:44
Made changes to developmentDiary_J

2023-05-14 08:12
Tried changing from TextEditor to TextField to fix a bug that my son found where the keyboard sometimes disappears quickly

2023-05-14 08:15
The fix I just made was unsuccessful, so I rolled back. Can't use LazyVStack. Now, with VStack, all data is loaded when displaying lists, so it will become heavy if there is a lot of data. I decided to display explanatory text in a place visible to the user

2023-05-14 09:22
Added an explanation about the delay in operation to the help screen and other places

2023-05-14 11:25
Updated the development record file

2023-05-14 13:03
Made the development record into 2 pages

2023-05-14 14:33
Changed the wording on the development record page

2023-05-14 14:44
Changed the wording on the development record page

2023-05-14 15:35
Localized the UI of the development record page in English

2023-05-14 15:50
Updated the development record file

2023-05-14 16:08
Changed the wording on the development record page

2023-05-14 16:58
Raised the position of the app icon in the app screenshots when it's locked, to prevent it from being covered by the Authentication graphics

2023-05-15 10:26
Tried to make it so that tapping on the development record jumps to a web page

2023-05-15 16:18
Uploaded the development record to a web page and made it jump to that page. Currently only in Japanese

2023-05-15 19:34
Made changes to the UI following the migration of the development record to a web page

2023-05-15 19:54
Made changes to the URL following the migration of the development record to a web page

2023-05-16 12:41
Added "If it feels slow" to the settings screen because it's important, and also changed the wording

2023-05-16 17:17
As per my son's suggestion, made changes to the data created at initial launch and also added color

2023-05-16 17:24
Removed the "If the operation is slow" section from the "How to use CheckItOffYo"

2023-05-16 17:33
Fixed the punctuation that was strange

2023-05-17 18:10
Spent the day preparing for application submission to the App Store

2023-05-18 09:30
In order to reduce the storage usage on the device for this app, I made it so that the image data is compressed by 50%, which reduced the usage to about one-tenth

2023-05-18 13:41
Created an English development diary and updated the URL

2023-05-18 13:43
Changed the settings screen title from "Development Record" to "Development Diary"

2023-05-18 16:16
Updated the About screen

2023-05-18 16:27
Fixed an issue with the orderNum of the data created on the first startup and removed the background color

2023-05-18 16:47
Finished testing and version 1 went GM (Golden Master)

2023-05-18 17:07
Logged into Apple's App Store Connect and entered the necessary data for review

2023-05-18 17:40
Realized I needed a Privacy Policy, so I created one in English and Japanese and uploaded it to my homepage

2023-05-18 19:01
Had issues uploading images to App Store Connect. Managed to upload them after resaving with the PaintBrush app. This took quite a bit of time

2023-05-18 19:45
Finally finished the application. Now all I have to do is wait for the review results

2023-05-20 01:59
Received approval from the App Store. Checked the App Store and found my app was published

2023-05-20 08:21
Searched the internet for "Yarunen"(Japanese app name of this "CheckItOffYo") and found that a company with this name exists. I don't want any trouble so I decided to suspend the app publication

2023-05-20 10:07
Renamed the app to "Surunen" for Japanese and rebuilt it. Also made changes to the app's introduction and Privacy Policy on my homepage

2023-05-20 17:59
Logged into Apple's App Store Connect again and entered the necessary data for review. Waiting for approval

2023-05-21 06:10
Received approval of v1.01 from the App Store.

2023-05-21 14:50
Went to the public swimming pool with my son. This time, I used CheckItOffYo app to check to make sure I've got everything

2023-05-21 17:15
Finished swimming and while changing, found out that I didn't bring my underwear. I brought black socks instead. Now I realize that forgetting to bring my underwear has nothing to do with whether I have a checklist or not. Went home without my underwear again...